Download Technopoly postman summary 8th

Postman has emerged in recent years as one of America's most eloquent and outspoken critics of technology and in this book he elaborates on themes that will be familiar to readers of his earlier books, most notably Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business Here Postman contends that "the uncontrolled growth of technology destroys the vital sources of our humanity. It creates a culture without moral foundation," and reorders our fundamental assumptions about the world at large. New technologies alter our understanding of what is real, "which is another technopoly postman summary 8th of saying that embedded in every tool is an ideological bias, a predisposition to construct the world as one thing rather than another. It does not come about by design, he says, rather it is the end-product of a system of beliefs predicated on science as a source of moral authority. Postman describes the rise of new "control systems" to manage information, such as statistics, opinion polls, SAT and IQ tests, etc. These are predicated on the fallacy that information can be scientifically measured and stored, he says. The result is that we believe our IQ "score IS our intelligence Experts are one thing when a technical solution is called for space rocketry or the construction of a sewer system, for technopoly postman summary 8thbut since even human relations have become "technicalized" there are now experts in social, psychological, and moral affairs. The result is that we look for technical solutions to human problems. But it is a Faustian bargain, Postman says, one we can little afford to make. Related book review : Scott London discusses Neil Postman's The End of Education. Related book review : Scott reviews Postman's Building a Bridge to the 18th Century. Copyright by Scott London. The Surrender of Culture to Technology.

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